Measuring profitability:
Two ways to measure profitability are the net profit margin and return on capital profit margin:
net profit before tax/sales
2.return on capital (invested):
net profit before tax/capital invested
Labour turnover: is the proportion of the employees leaving a business over a period of time
number leaving a business over a given period of time/average number employed over a period of time
Absenteeism:the rate of absenteeism is the proportion of employees not at work on a given day
number of staff absent on 1 day/total number of staff
Absenteeism rate for a year:
total number of days lost/total number of days that could be worked *number of staff
Unit costs:
total costs/units of output
deliveries on time/total deliveries
Capacity utilisation:
actual output per annum/maximum possible output per annum
Diseconomies of scale
Diseconomies of scale occur when a business grows so large that the costs
per unit increase. As output rises, it is not inevitable that unit costs
will fa...
7 years ago
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