thank you for you business exam book!It`s really helpful!
and I`d like to retake the exam which we did today!COULD YOU ASSESS IT ???or give me a new textpaper!Thank you so much!
Diseconomies of scale
Diseconomies of scale occur when a business grows so large that the costs
per unit increase. As output rises, it is not inevitable that unit costs
will fa...
7 years ago
No - because we have only done about 30% of the syllabus for Unit 1 and all this exam taking can be a waste of time so early.
If you really want to see exams go to
I see!
SO could we finish unit1 on time?
We will finish unit 1 by Dec 1st IF the lack of English and the lack of homework do not slow us down!
i`m not catcher!
SORRY chris what is manual about which you told us to do in your new blog??
The business maths questions
20 questions
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